Kampania finansowana z pomoca unii europejskiej.


Składniki dla 4 porcji

  • 4 floury potatoes (e.g. Rooster) (approximately 500g)
  • 400g chicken breast
  • Tandoori herbs
  • 2 tablesp. rapeseed or olive oil
  • 1 head of broccoli, chopped
  • 4 carrots, peeled and chopped
  • White of one leek, sliced
  • 1 tablesp. oregano
  • 1 lime, juice and zest
  • Salt and freshly ground black pepper
Czas gotowania: 45 MIN
  1. Cut the potatoes and chicken into roughly 2 cm cubes. Sprinkle the chicken with tandoori herbs.
  2. Stir-fry in olive oil over a high heat for 10 minutes.
  3. Cut the broccoli, carrots and leek into medium-sized pieces and add them. Turn down the heat and fry until cooked.
  4. Season with salt, pepper and oregano.
  5. Grate the zest of the lime and sprinkle over the dish.
  6. Sprinkle with lime juice.

Inne zaskakujące przepisy

Lekker van bij ons Bord Bia European Potato Trade Association