Campaña financiada con ayuda de la Unión europea.


Ingredientes para 4 personas

  • 4 large potatoes, for roasting (e.g. Rooster potatoes)
  • 4 tbsp cream cheese with herbs
  • 300 g lean chicken, minced
  • 4 leeks
  • 1 onion
  • 150 g grated cheese
  • 2 tbsp ketchup
  • 1 clove of garlic, crushed
  • Pinch of nutmeg
  • 100 ml milk
  • Salt and pepper (seasoning)
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Tiempo de preparación: 15 MIN : 40 MIN
  1. Preheat the oven to 220 °C/Gas 7.
  2. Place the potatoes in an ovenproof dish with some water, make an incision and cook them in the microwave for 15 minutes at 900 watts.
  3. Wash and slice the leek. Peel and finely chop the onion. Fry the leek with the onion in some butter and season with salt, pepper, and nutmeg.
  4. Fry the minced chicken in a pan.
  5. Combine the minced chicken in a mixing bowl with the cream cheese, ketchup, and crushed garlic. Add the leek and onion and mix well.
  6. Remove the potatoes from the microwave, allow them to cool and cut them in half. Hollow them out completely and fill them with the meat mixture, sprinkle with the grated cheese and put them in the oven for 10 minutes.
  7. Serve immediately.

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Lekker van bij ons Bord Bia European Potato Trade Association