Kampania finansowana z pomoca unii europejskiej.


Składniki dla 4 porcji

  • 2-3 potatoes for frying (e.g. Rooster potatoes) (approximately 200 g)
  • 4 bagels
  • 1 tomato
  • 1 red onion
  • 4 leaves of iceberg lettuce
  • 100 g grated cheddar
  • 4 tsp barbecue sauce
  • 2 tbsp butter
  • Salt and pepper (seasoning)
EUPOTATOES28755 website 820x480 recipes 01 50
Przygotowanie: 20 MIN Czas gotowania: 50 MIN
  1. Peel the potatoes and cut into small cubes.
  2. Peel and finely chop the onion.
  3. Fry the potatoes and onion with butter in a heated frying pan until golden. Season with salt and pepper. Set aside.
  4. Cut the bagels in half and toast them in a toaster. Spread the barbecue sauce on the inside of the bagel, layer the potatoes and onion, the grated cheese, a few thin slices of tomato and a leaf of lettuce.
  5. Serve immediately, enjoy!


To be sure that the cheese is melted, heat the bagels in the oven for a few minutes before serving.

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Lekker van bij ons Bord Bia European Potato Trade Association