Campagna finanziata con l’aiuto dell’unione europea.


Ingredienti per 4 persone

  • 3- 4 potatoes for mashing (approximately 800 g) (e.g. Rooster potatoes)
  • 400 g minced beef
  • 1 large white onion
  • 100 g grated Emmental cheese or Cheddar
  • 400 ml cream
  • Salt and pepper (seasoning)
EUPOTATOES28755 website 820x480 recipes 01 43
Preparazione: 10 MIN Cottura: 20 MIN
  1. Wash the potatoes and cut into small cubes.
  2. Finely chop the onion
  3. In an oven dish, mix the onions with the potatoes, minced meat, Emmental or cheddar, and cream. Season and pour into an ovenproof dish.
  4. Cover the dish and cook in the microwave (750 W) for 20 minutes. Check whether the potatoes are cooked and cook for a further 5 minutes if necessary. Enjoy!


A quick recipe where it is possible to use different meats and cheeses.

Altre ricette sorprendenti

Lekker van bij ons Bord Bia European Potato Trade Association